
Multi-gene analysis

Enter a gene list (gene locus code) to view their expression in the deposited datasets.

Enter a gene list (gene locus code) to view them and their co-expressed genes in a network.
Select a type of plant regeneration to view the corresponding co-expression network.
All types of regeneration are used by default.

Groups of DEGs, analyzed from the database, that are significantly enriched with the query are shown in the table below.
DEGs are genes enriched (up-regulated) in the sample (in the "Enriched in" column) when compared to the sample (in the "Compared to" column).
For example, in a row with Col-0 4DAS (in Enriched to) vs Col-0 4DAC (in Compared to), the DEGs for this row are genes are upregulated in Col-0 4DAS.

Enter a gene list (gene locus code) to view their expression and the gene regulatory network in the deposited datasets.